EIGHTEENTH CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES First Regular Session i f i f f i i r ot !. ) S ENAJ E S. No. 3l5 T9 JULIO A9‘-42 Introduced by Senator Grace■Poe AN ACT PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF ETHNICITY, RACE, RELIGION OR BELIEF, SEX OR GENDER OR SEXUAL ORIENTATION, LANGUAGE, DISABILITY, EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT AND OTHER FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION, PROVIDING PENALTIES THEREFOR, AND FOR THE PURPOSE Be i t enacted b y the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Philippines in Congress assembled. 1 2 Section 1. S hort Title. - This Act shall be known as the "Anti-Discrimination A ct o f 2 0 19." 3 Sec. 2. Declaration o f Policies. - It is the policy of the State to work actively 4 for the elimination of all forms of discrimination that offend the equal protection 5 clause of the Bill of Rights and the State obligations under human rights instruments 6 acceded to by orientation. Towards this end, discriminatory practices as defined 7 herein shall be prescribed and penalized. 8 9 10 Sec. 3. Definition o f Terms. - For the purposes of this Act, the following shall be defined as follows: a. Discrimination - constitutes any distinction, exclusion, restriction or 11 preference or other differential treatment that is directly or indirectly 12 based on ethnicity, race, religion or belief, sex and gender, disability, or 13 other status, which has the 14 economic, social, and cultural rights. Discrimination, which also includes intention or equal footing, o f political, civil,

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