promote the equal treatm ent of all people and prevent discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, and other status. Under this measure, discriminatory acts such as inflicting stigma, denial of education, political, civil and cultural rights, right to work, access to goods and services, and the right to organize, inflicting harm on health and well-being, engaging in profiling, abuses by state and non-state agencies, and detention and confinement are strictly prohibited and will be met with corresponding penalties. In contemporary situation, discrimination happens in Philippine society: • In 2003, a Manobo family was forced out o f their ancestral land on the account of their indigenous ancestry; • There are countless reported cases members of the LGBT community workplaces; and • Racial profiling and discrimination often victimize those being labeled as "Muslim Type" in investigations. o f discrimination of in their respective Many say tha t there is no place for oppression in a democratic country like the Philippines. Everyone deserves equal economic, political, and social rights and access to opportunities. The social stigma of discrimination is dangerous and depressing, and may sometimes become lethal on the part of the victim. In view of the foregoing, immediate approval of this bill is hereby earnestly sought.

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