the exercise o fthe right o fsuffrage under A r t . 2 5 o fthe I n t e r n a t i o n a l Convention o n Civil a n d Political Rights (ICCPR).3 This is a fundamental breach of the concept o f universal suffrage a n d completely a t odds w i t h the U n i t e d Nations Convention o n t h e Rights o f Persons w i t h Disabilities ( U N C R P D ) . T h e said general c o m m e n t will n o t a n d m u s t n o t override a n express obligation under the treaty t o which the Philippine Government is a party signatory. L e g a l B a s i s : B o t h i n t e r n a t i o n a l a n d domestic l a w s T h e legal landscape h a s changed dramatically since t h e adoption o f t h e H u m a n Rights Committee's general c o m m e n t o n I C C P R i n 1996. Today, i t m a y b e argued that the majority o f voting restrictions "are n o longer compatible with t h e prohibition o f d i s c r i m i n a t i o n i n articles 2 , p a r . 1 a n d 2 5 o r w i t h t h e present-day understanding o f democracy. This holds true, i n particular, w i t h regard t olimitations of the right t ovote and stand for election o n the basis o f psychosocial a n d intellectual disabilities.4 Article 12(2) o f the C R P D clarified that disabled persons have the right t o recognition aspersons before the law, w h o should b e able t o enjoy legal capacity o n a n equal basis w i t h others i n A L L aspects o f lifes. This provision does n o t provide f o r a n y exception t o t h e principle, a n d o n l y requires t h a t states have a n obligation t o assist persons w i t h disabilities t o b e able t o exercise t h e i r legal capacity.^ Article 2 9 o fthe C R P D requires State parties t o guarantee t o persons w i t h disabilities political rights a n d the opportunity t o enjoy t h e m o n a n equal basis w i t h others. This provision does n o t foresee a n y reasonable restriction, n o r does i t allow a n y exception.^ T h e C R P D does not m a k e any distinctions for particular types of disability a n dmust therefore b e apphed without discrimination. T h e o r d i n a r y m e a n i n g of Article 12(2) leaves n odoubt that all persons w i t h disabilities—regardless o f their disability—are entitled t o participate equally i n the political process. 3 Par. 4 of the HR Committee General Comment on Art. 25 of ICCPR, 1996 4 December 2011 publication of the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Art. 12 (2), Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Human Rights Council, Nineteenth session. Annual report of the UN High Com the Office of the High Commissioners and the Secretary-General Promotion and economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development. Thema for Human Rights on participation in political and public life by persons with d ^ Ibid. ^ '

Select target paragraph3