Republika ng Pilipinas Komlsyon n g Karapatang (Coitunissivn on Human Pantao Rights) HUMAN R I G H T S A D V I S O R Y CHR-A04-2001 ON T H E REQUIREMENT OF ALL IN S C H O O L S T O STUDENTS SUBMIT POLICE SUBMIT TO DRUG ENROLLING CLEARANCE AND TEST" V The some Commission schools transferees clearance There clearance new (PNP) drug require from o n Human police other enrollees. mandatory. This of the measure cleaiance additional and for require test. of a police for National Police is issued requirement makes might be to education, Karapatang Pantao ay para sa lahat. Commonwealth Avenue, UP. Complex, Diliman, 1101, Quezon City, lei Nos. 92 7-0172 . 928-2018 a o f schools Philippine restriction o n the h u m a n right o f every person Ang i n turn for a requirement a police that ( N A R C O M ) for a d r u g precautionary T h e requirement o f a d r u g test before test Command informed f o r n e w enrollees T h e police impediment a s a reasonable h a s been clearance schools. f r o m the Narcotics i s n o legal Rights Philippines the a y Panindi

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