07 57-L-RWC Ex)N RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY CORPORATE RESEARCH P, O. Ao,( 45, Llnd.n. N. J. 07036 SCIENCE LABORATORIES OUANE G. LEV lN E, Dir.ctot BOGE B W,COHEN, Dlr.ctor Th.or.ticrl .nd M.thtn.tlc.l Scl.nc.. Llborltory September 2, 1982 H- N. WEINBERG Mr. A. M. Natkin Office of Science and TechnologY Exxon corporation 1251 Avenue of the Americas Nevr York, New York 10020 siP 2 198? Dear AI: I would like to sunnarize the findings of our resea rch in climate modeling and place our results in the context of the existing body of knowledge of the CO2 greenhouse effect. Although the lncrease of atmosPheric CO2 is well docunented. it has not yet resulted in a measurable change in the earthis clirnate. The concerns surrounding the possible effects of increased CO, have been based on the predictions of models which simulate Ehe earthrs climate. These nodels vary widely in the level of detail in which clirnate processes are treated and in the approxinations used to describe the complexities of these processes. Consequently the quantitative predictions derived f rorn the various nodels show considerable variation. However, over the past several years a clear scientific consensus has energed regarding the exPected glimatic effects of increased atmoipheric Co1. The consensus- is that a doubling of atnospheric CO, frofi its pre-industrial revolution value qoulil result global temperature rise of (3.0 t 1.5)oc. The in "n "u"f"gein this figure is a result of the inability of even uncertainty the most elaborate models to simulate clinate in a totally realistic nanner. The temperature rise is predicted to be distributed nonuniformly over the earth, with above-average temPerature elevations in the polar regions and relatively smalL increases near the equator. There is unanimous agreement in the scientific community that a temperature increase of this magnitude would bring about significant changes in the eart.hrs climate' including rainfall distribution and alterations in the biosphere. The time +NationaI Research Council Panel Reportt Carbon Dioxide Climate: A second Assessment, National AEE?emt-Press, and

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