Concluding Observation (Mobility)
UNCRPD's Concluding Observations on the initial report of the Philippines- Concluding Observations
- Mobility
- Findings
- Personal mobility (art. 20)
- Rich Text
The Committee is concerned about the absence of a non-discriminatory and systematic framework with adequate public budgets dedicated to the acquisition of mobility aids and assistive technologies, which are crucial in ensuring the unrestricted personal mobility of persons with disabilities.
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt a policy framework, including fixed and sufficient human, technical and financial resources, to ensure that persons with disabilities can acquire quality and affordable mobility aids and assistive devices, technologies and services necessary for their personal mobility. It also recommends that the State party establish targets to provide universal access to appropriate orthopaedic, technological and other assistive devices, as well as appropriate information and training on how to use them.
- Observatory
- Philippine Observatory on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities