Concluding Observation (Non-Exploitation)
UNCRPD's Concluding Observations on the initial report of the Philippines- Concluding Observations
- Non-exploitation
- Findings
- Freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse (art. 16)
- Rich Text
- The Committee is concerned about:
(a) The high level of violence against children with disabilities in family settings and schools, in particular the reports of children restrained in their homes, and the information about the cases of deaf girls and boys with disabilities who are the victims of sexual violence, including rape and sexual assault by male teachers or principals in public and private schools, in the absence of criminal prosecutions and convictions of the perpetrators of such acts and redress mechanisms for the victims;
(b) The information about violence, including sexual violence against persons with disabilities who live in the streets;
(c) The information about the risks of trafficking faced by women with disabilities and violence occurring online and in other digital environments
- The Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Intensify its efforts to address domestic violence and abuse, including sexual exploitation of women and children with disabilities in the private sphere, and ensure that persons with disabilities have access to independent complaints mechanisms and appropriate remedies for victims of abuse, such as redress and adequate compensation, including rehabilitation;
(b) Adopt mechanisms to monitor all the facilities and programmes designed to serve persons with disabilities with the aim of preventing violence, especially sexual violence against persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, in accordance with article 16 (3) of the Convention;
(c) Ensure that any strategies for the prevention of trafficking take into account and address the particular risks of women and girls with disabilities to different forms of trafficking and exploitation, and ensure that information and awareness-raising concerning trafficking is provided in accessible formats and covers all urban and rural areas of the country.