2 Decline of locally available fish populations and eventual local extinction is likely. One consequence of elevated temperature is sea-level rise. For moderate rates of sea level rise enhanced vegetation growth is likely as the ecosystem strives to adapt. At faster rates of SLR vegetation however, mortality ensues as the substrate deepens beyond depths capable of supporting vegetation (Kirwan et al., 2010). Also, adults that are only salinity tolerant for short periods of time (typically located more shoreward) will suffer from prolonged exposure to seawater. Over the longer term, the impacts of sea-level rise on mangroves and mangrove associates need not necessarily be negative, provided shoreward migration is possible (Waycott et al, 2011). More intense sea level rise is likely to impact seagrass meadows. Higher sea-level expose more of the coast to erosion bring about increased nutrient and sedimentation. High nutrient input can be good for the seagrass as these meadows are known to be nutrient poor. However, the increased sedimentation can bury seagrass meadows or at the very least leave the water murky for extended periods of time. These will compromise seagrass productivity (Gacia, et al., 2005; Orth et al., 2006). In terms of fisheries this specifically impacts on seagrass related fisheries such as that of rabbit fish and prawns. It will also have a cascade effect on larger target fish since seagrass meadows provide food for these higher trophic levels. Ocean acidification have also been observed to negatively affect the recruitment success of temperate species (Simpson et al., 2011; Munday et al., 2009) but may not necessarily be disadvantageous for tropical benthic-spawning marine fishes (Munday et al., 2009b). Coral reefs however,are highly susceptible to degradation from increases in ocean temperature (coral bleaching) and reduced calcification due to ocean acidification (Munday et al. 2008, Pratchett et al. 2011, Hughes et al. 2003, Hoegh-Guldberg et al., 2011). Loss of coral cover, typically result in the decline of smaller-bodied coral-associated fishes that are dependent on the structure of reef habitat for shelter (Graham et al. 2008). Only the small generalist species and rubbledwellers are expected to increase in abundance on degraded coral reefs (Bellwood et al. 2006; Ticzon et al., 2012). These species are generally not utilized as food fish. There are also particular economically important species that require the presence of all three coastal habitats to be sustainable such as groupers. As habitat health is degraded due to climate change larger predators will also be affected (Sundblad, 2014). This can happen in two ways. Both pelagic and demersal predators also use the mangroves, seagrass, and corals as nursery ground. Hence, their population will also be compromised as the habitats get degraded. In addition, as the smaller habitat-affiliated fishes are compromised the predators may end up migrating to more bountiful cooler and deeper areas. This will tax small-scale fishers who have limited mobility. An alternative food resource is mariculture which is a more controlled environment. But experience has shown that this is not climate-proof either. Anomalous warming of ocean water affects the oxygen content of the water and has historically resulted to massive fish kills within mariculture sites (David, et al., 2014). Increase in surface ocean temperature might also abet the formation of

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