4 April 2020 Hon. EDUARDO M. AÑO Secretary Department of Interior and Local Government Dear Secretary Año, Gree6ngs from the Commission on Human Rights during this 6me of crisis! During the Enhanced Community Quaran6ne period, the Commission on Human Rights is conduc6ng con6nuous monitoring of human rights situa6ons, specially of vulnerable sectors. This is part of the Commission’s mandate of promo6ng and advancing the rights of the marginalized, monitoring State compliance with its human rights obliga6ons, providing advisories and recommenda6ons, and of inves6ga6ng alleged human rights viola6ons. One of the key areas that the Commission is par6cularly concerned during this period is ensuring that responses recognize differen6al impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to women and girls and to persons of diverse Sexual Orienta6on, Gender Iden6ty and Expression (SOGIESC), including heightened risks of gender-based violence. Guidance notes from the United Na6ons Popula6ons Fund on a gendered response to COVID-19 emphasize that women and girls are dispropor6onately affected by epidemics. In par6cular, women and girls who face mul6ple forms of inequali6es due to disability, sexual orienta6on, gender iden6ty, age and ethnic minority may be even more vulnerable.1 Health crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic compounds exis6ng gender inequali6es, it is expected to dispropor6onately increase women and girls’ unpaid care work in the household and in taking care of the sick, and it also increases risks of gender-based violence and sexual exploita6on and abuse.2 In terms of support, women and girls’ needs are oWen leW behind in the response, menstrual and hygiene kits are oWen forgoYen, provisions for family planning and other reproduc6ve health commodi6es and services are not provided for, and special needs of pregnant and lacta6ng women may not be priori6es.3 Access to relief and support services for persons with diverse SOGIESC may be affected by s6gma and prejudice against them and LGBTQI+ families may run the risk of not obtaining safety nets accorded to families in general. They can also run the risk of GBV, being confined in possibly hos6le spaces in their own families and communi6es during the Enhanced 1 UNFPA Asia Pacific Program. Guidance Note on COVID-19 2 UNFPA Asia Pacific Program. Guidance Note on COVID-19 3 UNFPA Asia Pacific Program. Guidance Note on COVID-19

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