METHODOLOGICAL AND DATA COLLECTION FRAMEW ORK Who did what to whom, when where and why? • Minimum data requirement • victim’s name (or alias in some cases) • status as an HRD/journalist/trade unionist • sex (M or F) • age groups • date of incident • place/country/region of the incident • type of act (killing → other attacks to be expanded gradually) • perpetrator category • motivation for the act Data sources • Global reporting: exclusively based on publicly available information (open source) from global and regional sources: OHCHR, Special Procedures, Treaty Bodies, UNESCO, ILO, regional mechanisms and other relevant sources, including credible NGOs • National sources: NHRI, civil society organizations, press reports, relevant law enforcement, quasi-judicial and judicial institutions Verification standard • Each factual element corroborated by at least 2 independent and reliable sources (minimum 3 sources) • “there are reasonable grounds to believe that incident concerning Victim X occurred as described by the facts”

Select target paragraph3