EIGHTEENTH CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES First Regular Session ) ) ) SENATE V o( lllf - •19 j a i l ritU U }' P4:19 s. No. 405 RECtiViDa.’. Introduced by Senator Francis "T o l" N. Tolentino AN ACT P R O VID IN G FOR A PROPORTIONATE SCHOOL A D M IS S IO N AND ACCEPTANCE SHARE IN THE P H IL IP P IN E M IL IT A R Y ACADEMY AN D THE P H IL IP P IN E N A TIO N A L POLICE ACADEMY FOR MEMBERS OF THE IN D IG E N O U S CULTURAL C O M M U N IT IE S / IN D IG E N O U S PEOPLES, AND FOR SUCH OTHER PURPOSES EXPLANATORY NOTE Article 2, Section 22 of the 1987 Constitution provides that: "The State recognizes and promotes the rights o f indigenous cultural communities within the framework o f national unity and development." I t is the expressed policy o f the state to promote the rights of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/ Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/IPs) in formulating policies for the development o f the nation. Due to peculiarities inherent in their culture, circumstances arise where their members automatically become excluded in policies and programs for national unity and development. Included in these policies are the recruitment programs for the Philippine Military Academy and Philippine National Police Academy, the primary security academic institutions o f the country. The members o f the ICCs/IPs are overlooked and sometimes discriminated upon, and not given the chance to serve, protect and defend the country simply because o f their culture. Instead, culture must be celebrated, brought into the light and integrated into society for it is something that brings honor and pride to the country.

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