GBV CASE IN REGION IV-A A 47-year-old woman reported in the GBV online portal that her former husband allegedly abducted and later on exploited for child pornography, sex trafficking their own children. She sought the assistance of CHR-GEWHRC to conduct investigation on the alleged case. She also sought the assistance of CHR-GEWHRC to eventually rescue the children and have them medically examined for sexual and physical abuse. An outright arrest of the perpetrator is also requested by the said woman. The Commission has referred the case to the appropriate region for investigation. It is also referred to inter-agency mechanisms for action. According to her, the alleged perpetrator physically abused the children-victim and is actually being used against the former. She further alleged that the childrenvictim were being threatened by the alleged perpetrator that they will be killed unless otherwise they file a counter legal action against her.

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