PRELIMINARY STATEI4ENT OF EXXONIS POSITION ON THE GROI,{TH OF AT}.4OSPHER] C CARBON DIOXIDE Position: There is sufficient time to study the problem before corrective action is required. r An indication of the average globa1 temperature increase due to cO^ wilf not be measurable above normal climatic f luctuatizons (noise) until about 2000. Effective energy conservation ancl high price for fossil fuels over the last few years have now delayeil the projected doubling time of CO" - we estimate now that the doubling time is about 100-Years. o This permits time for an orderly transition to non-fossil fuel technologies should restrictions on fossil fuel use . be deemed neCessary. Synthelics Impact: There is no reason to stif l-e or halt development of synthetics industrY. . Impact of synthetics on doubling time is very sma1l doubling U7/yr averlge synthetics growth rate reduces 2010) in synthetics timL- by only 5 years = L5 Mr/D ' o Coal- Iiquids contribute about 1003 more CO2 than burning coal diiectly; shale oi1 about 50? more. Background: . Average atmospheric CO, increased 78 since 1957 (3I5 to 338 p!m) . we project 6o, witt reach about 380 'ppm by 2000. Atmospheric CO. will double in 100 years if fossil fuels grow at L. 4z/ ai 3oc alobal average temperature rise and 10oc at poles if co^ z doubles. - Major shifts in rainfal l/agriculture - Polar ice maY melt U. S. covernment conducting l-O-year study at 10M$,/a to reduce large scientific uncertainties and recommend appropriate energy policy. ER&E contributing to the research effort by monitoring atmospheric and oceanic CO, from a tanker.

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