S. No. 3205 H. No. 4832 ^ p u b lic of tijp ^l|iltpptno8 ®0ngr0ss o f P i j t l t p p i n ^ s j^otro jfHamla (^ixtcentli Congress Cljirb ^gular,^PSsion B egun and h e ld in M e tro M a n ila , on M o n d a y , th e tw e n ty - s e v e n th d a y o f J u ly , t w o th o u s a n d fifte e n . [ R e p u b l ic A ct N o . 10908 I AN ACT MANDATING THE INTEGRATION OF FILIPINO-MUSLIM AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLES HISTORY, CULTURE AND IDENTITY IN THE STUDY OF PH IL IPPIN E HISTORY IN BOTH BASIC AND HIGHER EDUCATION Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: S ection 1. Short Title. This Act shall be known as the “Integrated History Act of 2016”. — S ec . 2. Integration of Filipino-Muslim and Indigenous Peoples History, Culture and Identity Studies in Philippine History. - With the ultimate objective of creating an inclusive history that accounts for all Filipinos, there is a need to integrate the history, culture and identity studies of Fihpino-Muslims and Indigenous People in the grand narrative of Phihppine history. S ec . 3. Key Content. In the formulation of the curriculum for an inclusive and integrative study of Philippine history, —

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