SIXTEENTH CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC ) OF THE PHILIPPINES ) Second Regular Sessioll ) '14 GEC 17 P5 :04 SENATE S.B. NO. 2f)24 Introduced by Senatol' Maria Lourdes Nancy S. Binay AN ACT MANDATIN·G THE NATIONAL COMMISSION ON INDIGENOUS PEOPLES TO PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION, FOOD AND NON-MONETARY ASSISTANCE TO INDIGENT LITIGANTS WHO ARE MEMBERS OF INDIGENOUS CULTURAL COMMUNITIES WHILE IN ATTENDANCE OF HEARINGS OR PROCEEDINGS IN TI-IE NCIP EXPLANATORY NOTE It has come to om attention that many of our poor countrymen who are members of the Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous Peoples are not able to adequately protect their rights under Republic Act 8371 or the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act ("IPRA") on account of lack of transportation Ii·om their respective residences or even their inability to pay for transportation from their respective residence to Regional I-Iearing Offices of the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples ("NCIP"). Moreover, as many of the Regional Hearing Offices are located in cities, they can barely afford to pay for their food while attending to the hearings on their complaints and other legal concerns. Given the above situation, it appears that many of the cases of our ICCIlP brothers and sisters have been dismissed for lack .01' interest to prosecute. In essence, justice is being denied to them solely on the account of their poverty or inability to attend to the most basic necessities while attending hearings. We note that the NCIP is sufficiently clothed with authority to charge reasonable administrative fees and charges, the funds of which can be diverted or allocated to support the· intent of this proposed legislation. We understand that majority of those requesting for Certificate Precondition pursuant to Section 59 of the IPRA for instance, can pay for said reasonable fees and charges. The NCIP should be expressly given authority to allocate li.ll1ds ti'om this source. For the above reasons, the passage of this bill is earnestly requested. ~a/ MARIA LOURJ;;JvJANCY S. BlNA Y Senator

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