MISSION AND VISION The Center for Reproductive Rights uses the law to advance reproductive freedom as a fundamental human right that all governments are legally obligated to protect, respect, and fulfill. Reproductive freedom lies at the heart of the promise of human dignity, self-determination, and equality embodied in both the U.S. Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Center works toward the time when that promise is enshrined in law in the United States and throughout the world. We envision a world where every woman is free to decide whether and when to have children; where every woman has access to the best reproductive healthcare available; where every woman can exercise her choices without coercion or discrimination. More simply put, we envision a world where every woman participates with full dignity as an equal member of society. © 2015 Center for Reproductive Rights Printed in the United States Any part of this report may be copied, translated, or adapted with permission from the author, provided that the parts copied are distributed free or at cost (not for profit) and the Center for Reproductive Rights is acknowledged as the author. Any commercial reproduction requires prior written permission from the author. The Center for Reproductive Rights would appreciate receiving a copy of any materials in which information from this report is used. Center for Reproductive Rights 199 Water Street, 22nd Floor New York, NY 10038 United States Tel +1 917 637 3600 Fax +1 917 637 3666 publications@reprorights.org www.reproductiverights.org ACCOUNTABILITY FOR DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN IN THE PHILIPPINES:  KEY FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE CEDAW COMMITTEE'S SPECIAL INQUIRY ON REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS 

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