About this Report This is an Annual Report submitted to the Office of the President and the Philippine Congress by the National Implementation Team (NIT) for the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act (RPRH) of 2012, in fulfillment of the reporting requirements mandated by Section 21 of R.A. 10354 and Rule 15 of its Implementing Rules and Regulations. It is a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the programs under the RPRH Law, summarizing the efforts and accomplishments of key stakeholders and partners over the course of one year. It also provides recommendations for executive and legislative actions to address barriers and improve implementation of the Law for 2020 and beyond. The NIT developed this 2019 Annual Report between March to September 2020, amidst the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. During this period, Government measures and restrictions (lockdowns, work-from-home directives, etc.) were imposed in an effort to contain the spread of the virus and protect the lives of people. This brought difficulties in data collection from the field, including processing and analysis. The whole country, was and continue to be in emergency response mode, and government agencies, especially the Department of Health, is at the helm in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. In light of the situation, DOH requested for the extension of the submission of the Report till end of September 2020. Readers will note that the Report also includes some of the initial strategies and initiatives set-up by DOH as part of its COVID-19 response and mitigating measures. www.doh.gov.ph Content editing, design and layout: Tanya Mia M. Hisanan If you have questions about this document, please contact the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law Secretariat: Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Division Commission on Population and Development (POPCOM) Acacia Lane Extension Welfareville Compound, Mandaluyong City, Metro Manila Telephone: (02) 8531-5303 Website: www.popcom.gov.ph

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