3 Education 3.1 Recognise that effective human rights education must be based on an analysis of the human rights situation in the particular country and on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments; 3.2 Adopt as the goal of human rights education the creation of an environment which enables recognition and respect for the human rights of all people and maximises individuals’ and communities’ awareness of their own human rights and their capacity to utilise available mechanisms for the enforcement of these rights; 3.3 Undertake an evaluation of existing programs at the national and regional level; 3.4 Use available tools for planning, e.g. the guidelines for national action plans in the field of human rights prepared within the framework of the International Decade for Human Rights Education; 3.5 Consult on human rights education in order to facilitate planning and implementation, to encourage governments to fulfil their obligations to provide human rights education, to identify the organisations best placed to undertake particular programs, to avoid duplication, to coordinate fund raising and to monitor the effectiveness of programs. A potentially fruitful area of cooperation would be for national institutions and NGOs to exchange materials and resources to enable them to carry out human rights education activities; 3.6 Consult in the development of curriculum designed for the mainstream education system, whether at the primary, secondary or tertiary levels; 3.7 Develop cooperative programs and facilitate joint participation in programs of training for teachers and public officials, including the military, the police and corrective services personnel; 3.8 Develop cooperative programs and facilitate joint participation in programs of training for human rights educators, including teachers and parents; 3.9 Cooperate with relevant judicial authorities in programs of training for members of the judiciary; 3.10 Develop memoranda of agreement with government agencies to facilitate the provision of training to government officials; 3.11 Develop panels of speakers from both NGOs and national institutions who would be available for human rights education presentations; 3.12 Cooperate in the dissemination of information on international and domestic human rights instruments, including the Paris Principles and the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders;

Select target paragraph3