Context and Rationale Mapping of women fisherfolks at risk of Gender-Based Violence and other incidence of discrimination during COVID-19 Pandemic is a two-pronged system. This involves the women fisherfolks as Key Informant for their lived experiences plus aligned government service providers for verification, clarification and other significant information. Conducting Focused Group Discussion (FGD) with these service providers helps eliminate any gap that may have resulted from the KII, documents interventions and best practices as well as presents existing systems. FGD also addresses recommendations gathered from the KII of women fisherfolks. This FGD with government service providers or aligned agencies serves as an opportunity to communicate with duty bearers gaps and challenges, and for members of the referral networks to work together to ensure prompt, effective, and survivor-centered GBV response as stressed by the CHR. The FGD is composed of but not limited to the following: ● BFAR as the agency tasked with the development, conservation, management, protection and utilization of fisheries and aquatic resources ● Councils like Municipal Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils (M/CFARMC) ● Local Government Unit of Claveria ● Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Person ● Philippine National Police (PNP) ⮚ Objectives of the Sectoral Monitoring: Mandated as Gender Ombud of marginalized sector like women fisherfolks, the mapping of legal referral mechanisms on GBV during the pandemic and new normal is anchored on the following: 1. Establish a baseline pertaining to the roles and participation of women in small scale fishing and of the issues of the women fisherfolks including trafficking and GenderBased Violence (GBV), the implementation of MCW provisions on women fisherfolks and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; and 2. Gather during the regional data on women fisherfolks and GBV during the COVID-19 pandemic and the new normal, creating partnerships with communities and CSOs and strengthening CHR regional office’s situation monitoring on women in the marginalized sectors as Gender Ombud in their respective regions. ⮚ Specifically, it aims to: 1. Render visible and document the roles and tasks undertaken by women fisherfolks in the household and in the community; 2. Monitor the implementation of MCW provisions on women fisherfolks by looking at: women’s roles; economic participation and recognition; access to information, resources and food production; experiences of marginalization; discrimination; GBV 3. Document the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on women fisherfolks; 4. Document awareness of and availing by women fisherfolks of government programs in response to COVID19; and 5. Gather recommendations from the ground PRELIMINARIES: 2 | Page

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